Nije teško kako se možda na prvi pogled čini – pročitajte uputstvo, odnosno korake pripreme, i pogledajte video.
1. Od brašna, maslaca, šećera, vanil-šećera, soli i jednog žumanca zamesite glatko testo.
2. Testo podelite na veći i manji deo. Veći deo neka ostane beo, a u manji deo dodajte mlevene lešnike, kakao, cimet i drugo žumance.
3. Oba testa zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite u frižideru jedan sat.
4. Svetlo testo razvaljajte na papiru za pečenje u pravougaonik dimenzija 20 x 30 cm i debljine 4 mm. Na drugom papiru za pečenje razvijte tamno testo u pravougaonik manjih dimenzija jednake debljine.
5. Svetlo testo premažite lagano umućenim belancem, na njega stavite tamno testo i lagano oklagijom pređite da se testa slepe.
6. Savijte rolat. Sa svih strana ga pomoću četkice premažite belancem i uvaljajte u seckane lešnike. Rolat pažljivo umotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite ga u frižideru 30 minuta.
7. Ohlađen rolt isecite na parčad debljine oko 5 mm i stavite ih u tepsiju za pečenje obloženu papirom za pečenje. U rerni koja je prethodno zagrejana na 180 stepeni pecite 15 do 20 minuta.
U nastavku možete pogledati kako se ovaj rolat pravi, ali u malo šarenijoj verziji:
@spaceshipsandlaserbeams Cookies are practically a compulsory part of Christmas. There are so many delicious ones to try! These Christmas Pinwheel Cookies are not only easy to make but they look very Christmas-y. For Full Recipe click the caption: While you are in a baking mood, how about trying some Christmas Fudge? With its red, green, and white colors it looks amazing and makes a great edible gift. Or for a Christmas baking project with the kids, you could make Christmas Pretzel Hugs complete with M&Ms. Our Snowman Truffles are adorable as well and would make those little ones’ eyes light up. You will need: 1 ¼ cups granulated sugar 1 cup salted butter, softened 1 ½ tsp vanilla extract ¼ tsp almond extract ½ tsp baking powder 1 large egg 3 cups all-purpose flour ½ tsp red liquid food coloring Making delicious Christmas Pinwheel Cookies is a fun part of the Christmas lead-up and creates tasty cookies everyone can enjoy. With their red pinwheel style, these cookies look gorgeous and taste just as good. Want to make fresh, homemade cookies this Christmas? Try this Christmas Pinwheel Cookies recipe with its distinctive swirl style and bright red color for a delicious sweet treat over the holidays. #holidayba#holidaybakings#christmascookiesc#bakings#christmasbakingdones#christmastimes#christmasbakings#christmasbakingtime #christmasbakingday ♬ It's Beginning to Look a Lot like Christmas – Michael Bublé